Meet Duncan Limpus
Where are you based?
Brisbane, QLD
What type of hunting do you do?
Rifle and Crossbow from rabbits to deer to put meat on the table.
How did you get into hunting?
I grew up in bush areas and learnt to hunt as a way of life and a pastime each day.
Where is your favourite location to hunt?
I like the arid country that gives the challenge to locate the animals along with watering holes to select individuals.
Tell us about your most memorable hunt
I bagged my first rousa deer in New Caledonia. I met up with a local and we hiked up into the mountains near Poe. We hiked the ridgelines hearing deer herds off in the distance and surprised a good size heard in a gully. I dropped a young buck for meat straight away. The hard part was the long hike out with the 70kg of new backpack that we then broke down to the various cuts once we got back to the house.
What are your top three "holy grail" items?
GPS, Water, Knife
Why do you hunt?
I hunt to gather good fresh meat to put on the table for myself and extended family. The freshness and sustainability of open range sourced meats is evident when consumed. The many different species available to hunt is outstanding.